Hello world. The website is starting to look somewhat functional, im mostly left to just fill out the information parts now. Making the bones wasnt really the hard part, even when we dont know anything at all about html, css, javascipt, but we always were good at brute forcing things like this until we get it down. What we have actually learned so far is pretty basic, we don't even know much syntax from any of those. Really, we should've at least tried to do one of those free coding course things, but our brain is absolutly fried and we needed a new skill and/or hobby to start on immediately right now. Everything is just a bit broken. Hell, as of typing this the header slides under the text and stuff on the page if you scroll down. I'm sure we'll learn more and fix thing as we do but we have never been particularly good wih computers. I'm hoping learning more will be good for that but sometimes its like we touch a computer and all its stats are cut in half. We're supernaturally bad for computers. But that isn't the point. We should be proud that we even got it this functional in the first place. Anyway, I don't think I have much else to talk about at this point. website will continue to be tweaked and filled out. Likely quite slowly. We did add a guestbook to the site so if you see this feel free to check that. Actually, its a little bizarre to me, that we can have this blog and anyone can just stumple into it and see us word dumping about whatever we want to. Truely we'll go mad with power. I'm not really sure how to end this now but we'll probably keep messing with the site for the rest of the night if we don't get distracted with anything else so look forward to that.